Our Engagement Model.

Your Roadmap to a Unified Customer Experience.

The pressure is on for you to catch up with the demands and expectations of your customers. We can help you succeed in this new era of the empowered buyer. But you’ll need a roadmap to get there. Our engagement model will guide you from where you are today – to where your customers want you to go.

Current Assessment:

We start by evaluating your level of CXM readiness today, examining your capabilities, processes and technology, in order to understand how well you are positioned to deliver a unified experience.

Maturity Model:

We map your current state of readiness to a best practice maturity model which defines the next level of progression across all aspects of customer experience management.

Ideal State:

We work with you to shape a vision for the future, defining what ideal state looks like from the perspective of your customers and spelling out how your brand can make a greater difference in their lives.

Gap Analysis:

We identify critical gaps between the experience you offer today and what customers would prefer it to be, identifying and prioritizing the transformation initiatives you need to consider.

CXM Roadmap:

We map the ranked initiatives to a 3-year roadmap, designed to move you from your current state to a more advanced level of CXM maturity, depending on how fast you wish to move.

Current Assessment

Maturity Model

Ideal State

Gap Analysis

CXM Roadmap
